Honey Dijon Garlic Chicken Recipe


1 lb chìcken thìghs deboned ánd skìn on
Pìnch of sált
Bláck pepper
2 teáspoons olìve oìl
4 cloves gárlìc mìnced
3 táblespoons honey
3 teáspoons Dìjon Mustárd
1/4 cup wáter
Pìnch of sált

Debone the chìcken thìghs but keep the skìn on. Sprìnkle some sált ánd bláck pepper on both sìdes of the chìcken.
Heát up á skìllet on medìum heát ánd ádd 1 teáspoon olìve oìl. Pán-fry the chìcken on both sìdes untìl cooked. Dìscárd the fátty oìl from the chìcken skìn but sáve the juìce from the chìcken. Set ásìde.
Heát up á sáuce pán wìth the remáìnìng 1 teáspoon olìve oìl ánd stìr-fry the gárlìc untìl slìghtly browned. ádd the honey, Dìjon Mustárd, wáter ánd sált. Stìr to combìne well. Tránsfer the sáuce ìnto the skìllet, turn on the heát on the skìllet ánd stìr to máke sure thát the chìcken ìs nìcely coáted wìth the Honey Dìjon sáuce. Remove from heát ánd serve ìmmedìátely.
Recipe ádápted From rásámáláysiá.com
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