Parsnip and Pear Soup


Parsnip and pear soup is a creamy and comforting soup that combines two winter vegetables. It is typically made by sautéing diced parsnips and pears in butter, adding chicken or vegetable stock, and then pureeing until smooth. The soup can be seasoned with herbs, spices, and a squeeze of lemon juice for extra flavor. Some variations also include cream or a splash of white wine for added richness. Parsnip and pear soup is a warm and satisfying dish that is perfect for cold winter days.

Parsnip and Pear Soup

There are several reasons why one might love this parsnip and pear soup:

Flavor: The combination of parsnips and pears creates a unique, sweet, and slightly earthy flavor that is both satisfying and comforting.

Nutritious: Parsnips are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, while pears are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber. This soup is a healthy and nutritious option that can be enjoyed as a meal or a snack.

Versatile: This soup can be served hot or cold, making it a great option for any season. It can also be served as a main dish or as a starter for a larger meal.

Easy to make: This soup is easy to make, requiring simple ingredients and basic cooking skills. It's a great option for busy weeknights or when you want a comforting meal without much effort.

Vegan-friendly: This soup is vegan-friendly, making it a great option for those following a plant-based diet.

What are Parsnips?

Parsnips are root vegetables that are closely related to carrots and parsley. They are long, white, and tapered in shape, with a slightly sweet and nutty flavor. Parsnips are typically harvested in the late fall and winter and can be roasted, mashed, or used in soups and stews. They are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them nutritious and versatile ingredients in cooking.

Toppings For Pear Parsnip Soup

Here are some toppings that can enhance the flavor and texture of a pear parsnip soup:

Croutons: Toast some bread and cut it into cubes for a crunchy texture contrast.

Herbs: Fresh herbs such as thyme, parsley, or chives can add freshness and a burst of flavor to the soup.

Nuts: Chopped walnuts, almonds, or pecans can add crunch and nutty flavor to the soup.

Cream: A dollop of heavy cream or creme fraiche can add a rich and creamy texture to the soup.

Cheese: Grated Parmesan, crumbled blue cheese, or croutons sprinkled on top can add a salty and tangy flavor.

Crushed red pepper flakes: A sprinkle of red pepper flakes can add a slight spice and heat to the soup.

Fresh pears: Thinly sliced fresh pears can add a fresh and crisp texture to the soup, as well as a boost of sweetness.

These toppings can be added to individual bowls of soup or mixed in before serving for a more uniform flavor.

Parsnip and Pear Soup

What pears are best for this soup?

When making a pear parsnip soup, it's best to use pears that are firm but ripe. This will give the soup a slightly sweet flavor and help the pears hold their shape when blended. Some popular varieties of pears that are great for this soup include:

Bosc: Bosc pears are firm, sweet, and have a slightly nutty flavor. They hold their shape well when cooked and are ideal for soups and stews.

Anjou: Anjou pears are sweet and juicy with a slightly floral flavor. They have a tender texture, making them ideal for blending into a smooth soup.

Bartlett: Bartlett pears are sweet, juicy, and have a delicate flavor. They are great for soups and are known for their tender texture when ripe.

It's important to note that the flavor and texture of pears can vary based on the ripeness and variety, so taste the pears before adding them to the soup and adjust accordingly.

Can you use cream or milk in place of almond milk?

Yes, cream or milk can be used in place of almond milk in a pear parsnip soup. However, this will change the flavor and texture of the soup.

Cream or whole milk will add richness and creaminess to the soup, making it thicker and more decadent. This is a great option if you're looking for a creamy, comforting soup.

On the other hand, almond milk will give the soup a lighter, nutty flavor and a more fluid texture, making it a great option if you're looking for a healthier alternative.

Ultimately, the choice of milk or cream will depend on your personal preference and the desired outcome of the soup.

How do you thicken parsnip soup?

There are several ways to thicken parsnip soup:

Blending: Blending some of the cooked parsnips and pears can help thicken the soup by breaking down the fibers and creating a thicker texture. You can also blend in some of the broth or cooking liquid to help thicken the soup.

Starches: Adding starch such as flour or cornstarch to the soup can help thicken it. To do this, make a slurry by whisking together 1-2 tablespoons of flour or cornstarch with equal parts cold water. Slowly pour the slurry into the soup while whisking, and continue to cook until the soup has thickened.

Potatoes: Adding diced potatoes to the soup can help thicken it as well. Potatoes contain starch and will break down as they cook, creating a thicker texture.

Evaporation: Cooking the soup over low heat for an extended period of time can help thicken it by reducing the amount of liquid. This method works best for soups that have a high ratio of solids to liquids.

It's important to keep in mind that the exact method of thickening will depend on the desired outcome and the recipe you're using. You may need to experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for your parsnip soup.

How do you thin out this soup?

Parsnip and Pear Soup

If the parsnip and pear soup is too thick, here are some ways to thin it out:

Broth or water: Gradually stir in broth or water until the desired consistency is reached.

Milk or cream: Adding a splash of milk or cream can help thin out the soup while also adding richness and creaminess.

Puree: If the soup is too thick after blending, you can add more broth or water to the blender and puree until the desired consistency is reached.

Strain: If the soup is too thick and chunky, you can strain it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove some of the solid ingredients.

Remember to add the liquids gradually and adjust the seasoning if needed, as too much liquid can change the flavor and salt level of the soup. Additionally, it's a good idea to let the soup cool slightly before thinning it out, as the heat can cause the liquids to evaporate and thicken the soup further.

Can you freeze this creamy parsnip soup?

Yes, creamy parsnip soup can be frozen. However, it's important to note that creamy soups can sometimes separate or change texture when frozen and thawed, especially if they contain dairy products such as cream or milk. Here are some tips to help the soup maintain its texture when frozen:

Cool the soup completely: Before freezing, let the soup cool to room temperature and then transfer it to a container with a tight-fitting lid.

Use a freezer-safe container: Choose a container that is designed for the freezer and leave enough headspace to allow for expansion.

Avoid over-filling: Don't over-fill the container, as this can cause the soup to expand and spill out when it freezes.

Label and date: Label the container with the name of the soup and the date it was frozen.

When ready to serve, transfer the frozen soup to the refrigerator and let it thaw overnight. Reheat the soup on the stove or in the microwave, stirring frequently, until heated through. If the soup has separated or changed texture, you can try blending it or adding a little broth or cream to help smooth it out.

Here is a basic recipe for parsnip and pear soup:


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 3 medium parsnips, peeled and diced
  • 2 ripe pears, peeled and diced
  • 4 cups vegetable or chicken broth
  • 1 cup almond milk (or cream)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Fresh thyme, for garnish


Toast the olive oil painting in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion and cook until softened, about 5 twinkles.

Add the garlic and cook for another minute.

Add the parsnips, pears, and broth to the pot and bring to a poach. Reduce heat to low, cover the pot, and let the haze poach until the parsnips and pears are veritably soft about 20- 25 twinkles. Remove from heat and let the haze cool for many twinkles.

Remove from heat and let the haze cool for many twinkles. Use an absorption blender to puree the haze until smooth. Alternately, transfer the haze to a blender and puree in batches until smooth.

Stir in the almond milk( or cream) and season with a swab and pepper to taste. Overheat the haze over low heat until hot through.

Overheat the haze over low heat until hot through. Serve briskly, garnished with fresh thyme leaves if asked.

Enjoy your succulent and comforting parsnip and pear haze!

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