How To Make bean curd soup


 This recipe is for a delicious Chinese soup that is both inexpensive and easy to make. It’s packed with protein for long-lasting energy, calcium to strengthen bones, iron to fight anemia, and antioxidants to promote health. All things considered, it’s a pretty healthy dish. They call this dish “bean curd soup” because they use tofu, which is derived from soybeans. It’s made with small cubes of tofu that are simmered in a savory broth.

How To Make bean curd soup


1 package of firm/extra firm tofu, cut into 

3/4-inch cubes (about 1 pound/450 g)


1. Prep: Cut the tofu and slice the green onion. Place the tofu on a plate or small bowl and place another plate or bowl on top of it to press the excess liquid out of it for 10 minutes. This step is crucial because if there's too much water in the tofu, you won't be able to fry it properly, and even worse, it will just fall apart in the boiling soup.

2. While the tofu is pressing, heat 1 cup of oil in a wok or pot over medium heat. You can either use a candy thermometer or if you don't have one, stick a wooden chopstick into the oil and if bubbles form around it then you're good to go.

3. After 10 minutes, carefully move the tofu on a clean plate and add them into the hot oil and start frying them over medium-high heat until all sides are browned and crispy (around 15 minutes). Turn frequently while frying so that all sides get browned evenly.

How To Make bean curd soup

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