Instant Pot Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe


Brussels sprouts are often passed over in favor of their cousins, but this is one instance where the underdog deserves much more attention. This humble vegetable offers a variety of health benefits, like beta-carotene and vitamin C to ward against nasty winter bugs. And if that weren't enough, they're delicious! Give them a chance today with this easy recipe for roasted Brussels sprouts.

Instant Pot Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe


5 cups Brussels sprouts entirely trimmed (about 2 pounds)

1 teaspoon kosher salt plus additional for sprinkling on top Freshly ground black pepper 

1/2 cup olive oil 

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard Dash of cayenne pepper


Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Combines the salt, pepper, and remaining ingredients in a small bowl. Add the Bruxelles sprouts and mix to coat. Divide the Brussels sprouts between two large baking sheets and cook 20 minutes, then stir and roast 10 minutes more. Checking every few minutes, remove from oven when lightly browned and tender. Serve immediately.

Instant Pot Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe

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